Monday, October 25, 2010

Made In L.A. Part 3

if it were up to you to make the decision, would you let the sweatshop workers become legal U.S. citizens? Why or why not? yes because is something really series

2. Describe a moment in from parts 1, 2, or 3 of this movie that you found particularly memorable? Why? how one of them has lost their child and hasnt heard from them from a long time

3. By the end of part 3, the protestors seem to be giving up hope. If you were able to speak to the group, what would you say to them to inspire them to keep going? dont give up if you really want this then make it happen by working hard thats the only way

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummmmmmmm id see anythinqq here but yeah ima qo back to my ship