this make
s me think that people need to help families. they need start being helpful and understand what is going thew there life's this makes me think allot of things sadness and leader and braveness this should never ever let this happen to people,family.this is a horrible thing to happen just for a little girl and boy. they work at night,day,morning.evening,afternoon.they only get payed only 2 Penney's or 3 for two or three hours and also they can get payed two dollars or three for only 5 or 6 or more hours just to get it wow! this is a very terrible thing `they are very hateful with families poorness and problems they are treating it like slaves that's a bad thing people or president's need to something about it. will change there whole life's it will make ever thing better and even make me feel so happy and wont be worried any more. then poeple wont be worried any more. i wish every thing will be just like that and never change again!!!!
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