my name is anne and i work in the age of 10 its very hard we get payed a penny each day and 2 dollors we are very poor family we dont eat alot or drink its very pain ful to work at night and when is so hot and cold we dont have alot of cloths for the seasons i live in a small house i have a sister that is 8years old and a brother of age 4 and mom ,dad .my life is so horrible my mom cant work because she has to take care of my little brother it just me and my sister and dad that works day by day.my work is so diffrent form other peoples that work we pick up fruits and metals and also other suff to eat like rice , carrot , potatoes, and more too we work about 2 hours or more my hands are very mess up the are pling and all sreaght and with bumps too but cant get fix because we dont have alot of money and it takes about a mile to go to the doctor MY LIFE LIFE IS HARD SOME TIMES I FEEL LIKE IM A ADULT BUT THEN I FEEL LIKE IS MY JOB TO DO IT. we also pick up food for people to eat because every body is like our family and because is are job to. we also pick up garbage to use some of them for things at home and for getting it out , for more money to get for my family .
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